
Family Law

The area of Family Law can be complex, and it is not uncommon for our firm to assist clients on several different matters at the same time or consecutively.

Parenting Arrangements

Our team is very experienced in Family Law matters, with over 30 years of combined experience, with a passion for legal issues surrounding parenting. Our experienced family lawyers can help you with any aspects relating to children, including childcare and parenting arrangements, relocation, guardianship, and adoption.

We can also advise on other issues pertaining to children including child support, care of children, Oranga Tamariki, and provide support with Family Dispute Resolution.

The law in New Zealand does not dictate which parent should care for the children in a separation. Each case will be decided on its merits and the well-being of the children involved is the primary consideration. We believe it is important for children to maintain strong relationships with both parents, to reduce the stress and anxiety that arises when parents separate.

Shared care works well for many separated couples; however, it is sometimes necessary to seek legal advice if an agreement cannot be reached by yourselves

If agreement cannot be reached and the case proceeds to Court, we can represent you. We have a wealth of experience in handling these matters and will be there to support you and advise you through this difficult process.

Domestic Violence

New Zealand has one of the highest rates of sexual and domestic violence in the developed world.

What Is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence can take many forms including physical, sexual, psychological, and economic abuse or violence. Behaviour of this nature is unacceptable, and New Zealand’s legislation has a “zero-tolerance” policy towards such acts.

Whether you are the victim of domestic violence or have been accused of committing domestic violence, our experienced family lawyers can assist you with domestic violence matters.

It is important to obtain legal advice at the earliest opportunity to understand your legal position.

If you are the victim of domestic violence, a protection order is a legally enforceable court order which protects you (and your children) against violence or contact from someone in close relationship with you who is threatening or abusing you.

Protection orders automatically cover children in the applicant’s family, who live with the applicant either on a day-to-day basis or from time to time. You can also ask for the order to cover other people (with their written consent) who are at risk of violence because of their relationship with you.

Protection Order

What If I Have Been Named In A Protection Order?

If you have been served with a Protection Order, it is equally important for you to seek advice as quickly as possible so that you are fully aware of what the Order means for you and so that you adhere to the various time limits for you to file your defence.

If you are named in a Protection Order, the consequences could be very serious. If a Temporary Protection Order is made against you and you do not file a defence, that Temporary Protection Order will become final as a matter of law 3 months after the date the temporary order was made.

We recommend seeking legal counsel as soon as possible to ensure you understand your legal position.

It will affect the contact you have with your partner, children, or family. It may, in some cases, mean you must move out of the house. In other cases, it may mean that your partner or family member can take furniture from the house.

If you have a firearms licence, it will be suspended by a temporary Order, and you will be required to hand over any firearms or weapons. If the Order is made final without modification your firearms licence will be revoked.

You will probably be required to attend a programme to help you learn to live without violence.

Need legal counsel?

Three Important Steps You Need To Take To Obtain A Protection Order

Decide To Act

This is usually the toughest of the three steps. It takes courage to stand up to family violence, but it’s important to remember that everyone is better off when violence stops. That includes you, your children if you have any, anyone else who lives with you and even the person abusing you. Remember, you are not alone; there are thousands of people in this country who are in the same situation.

Find People Who Will Help

If you decide you want to make the violence stop, there are a lot of people and tough laws that will help you. The Court takes applications for Protection Orders very seriously. The vast majority are granted immediately. One of our team who is experienced in this area and has helped many others in your situation will help you prepare your application and take down your statement.

Apply For The Order

If you wish to obtain a Protection Order to protect you, your children and other vulnerable members of your immediate family then urgent attention is usually crucial. We can offer legal advice on other remedies available to you such as occupation and furniture orders, along with assistance to submit these applications.

Need legal help with getting a protection order?

Get in touch today!

Family law


Who We Help?

If you have separated from your partner or spouse and need guidance on the law regarding parenting, we can help you navigate through this next chapter. If you are in a situation where your safety is at risk, our experts will help you obtain the necessary orders to protect you.

A woman wearing a white shirt is holding her head and looking down in despair, a case for Family Law.

The Royal Commission Of Inquiry Into Abuse In Care

The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care’s hearing of lived experiences of whānau Māori abused in State and faith-based care concluded on Friday 18 March 2022.


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