Keeping up to date with movements in the law and topical issues is an important role of your lawyer. Read our latest articles and insights below.
In legal terms, a sunset clause is a condition included in a contract that says if a specified event hasn't ...
Re Tipene [2016] NZHC 3199 was the first case to successfully go through the High Court under the Marine and ...
After a long journey in the High Court, Rakiura Māori were granted customary marine title over islands that they carried ...
The Resource Legislation Amendment Act 2017 has made significant amendments to the Resource Management Act 1991 that largely came into ...
Being able to build Papakāinga on your whenua is a great way for Māori to feel reconnected with their turangawaewae ...
How to make parenting for both parties work after separation. Agree on arrangements and find a lawyer that can represent ...
The Great Kiwi Dream 2022- What do the Government’s new housing policies mean for new home owners and residential property ...
The Ministry of Justice has provided some guidance for managing share care arrangements during COVID-19.In short, the Ministry has confirmed ...
What do employers need to know during the COVID-19 Alert 4 Lockdown? Businesses and employers are facing significant pressures and ...