The Ministry of Justice has provided some guidance for managing share care arrangements during COVID-19.
In short, the Ministry has confirmed that:
- Under Alert Level 3, children can move between households (bubbles) under a shared care arrangement as is necessary to comply with a parenting order, and this is no longer limited to two households.
- Children should not move between households under a parenting order if the child is unwell, someone in one of the homes is unwell, or someone involved has been overseas in the last 14 days or has been in close contact with someone who has or has been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19 or is being tested for it.
- There is no restriction on the distance of travel, and children can move between different regions in line with a parenting order.
Read more at Guidance for managing shared custody
Family Law
We assist with any aspects relating to children, including childcare and parenting arrangements, relocation, guardianship, and adoption. We advise on child support, care of children, Oranga Tamariki, and provide support with Family Dispute Resolution. We also assist in domestic violence cases and can help you obtain protection orders to protect you and your children.
about the author
Amy Chesnutt
Amy has extensive litigation experience, representing clients in the Family, District and High Courts District of New Zealand and the Magistrates Court, District of Queensland, Federal Circuit Court of Australia and Family Court of Australia.