by Stephanie Havea | Jun 29, 2022 | Academy, Articles, Post, Property Law, Services, Stephanie Havea, Tutorials
There are two ways Kiwsaver can help first-home buyers: The Kiwsaver First Home Withdrawal and The Kiwsaver First Home Grant. Buy Your New Home With Kiwsaver By Applying For The Kiwsaver First Home Withdrawal You must be in Kiwi-Saver for at least 3 years before you...
by Amy Chesnutt | Jun 2, 2022 | Amy Chesnutt, Articles, Mihikeita Tibble, Post, Relationship Property, Tutorials, Updates
There is a general presumption that a couple’s property will be divided equally between them. There are exceptions to this rule however when the family home is a homestead, when extraordinary circumstances make equal sharing “repugnant to justice” and if...
by Tesa Tesa Va afusuaga | May 31, 2022 | Articles, Employment Law, Post, Tesa Va afusuaga, Tutorials, Updates
Advice To Clients Employers, employees and unions can apply to the Authority for help with employment problems they have been unable to resolve an employment dispute directly or through mediation. To lodge an application, you need to include certain information and...
by Lucy Tothill | May 31, 2022 | Articles, Lucy Tothill, Post, Refugee & Immigration, Tutorials, Updates
Refugee or protected person status is a legal status as detailed below: A refugee is a person who meets the definition of a refugee provided in Article 1A of the Refugee Convention, as amended by the 1967 Protocol. A protected person is someone whose deportation from...
by Stephanie Havea | May 31, 2022 | Articles, Estate Planning, Post, Property Law, Stephanie Havea, Trusts, Tutorials, Updates
In legal terms, a sunset clause is a condition included in a contract that says if a specified event hasn’t occurred by a certain date, then either one or both parties (the purchaser and/or the vendor) can cancel the contract on giving written notice to the...
by Dixon And Co Lawyers Team | Apr 12, 2022 | Articles, Insights, News, Post, Trusts, Tutorials, Updates
Money laundering is a process that criminals use to ‘clean’ their money that they make from dealing in illegal matters, fraud, and tax evasion. They do this by making their money look like it comes from a legitimate source where they cover their tracks to avoid...